The Websites Keeping me Occupied During Coronavirus!
We all have more time on our hands, everyone keeps saying make sure you use this time to enjoy hobbies you don't usually have time for!
I am very lucky in that my number one biggest hobby is my work, or at least the fun bits. SO..with this in mind I wanted to sum up my favourite websites that relate to fashion/art/design/magazines that I always go to for inspiration, not only in my field of print design but other disciplines too.
1.WGSN. The worlds no.1 fashion forecaster. My prints have never been driven by trends, but as a place of inspiration and now that we move to clothing, they're important to keep in mind. I want the clothes I design to the best mix of my creative imagination in print and the commercial world in clothing. You must feel comfortable knowing that you will wear my designs over and over. The prints and patterns are bold but timeless and I think WGSN keeps this all in line, it takes my work from being art to being real, every day, wearable art.
2. STYLIST magazine. The online space that I enjoy getting come into my emails everyday, which allows me time out from the day to day and encourages me to ensure I spend time doing things other than work. The perfect mix of fashion, books, mental health notes and opinions on just about everything I take an interest in. There is always an article you can relate to and their recommendations feel very honest.
3. Business of Fashion. Another one which is a bit intense on the fashion, fashion, fashion side of things, but it does teach me a lot. As a small brand, the things the big guys are talking about still trickle down and apply to Bella Singleton. Their most recent article Should I Skip a Season - is something I have been having to consider for AW20 due to the Coronavirus and this has really made me sure that I will have to.
4. How I Built This by Guy Raz. When I listen to one of these..anything can happenn! Guy interviews a variety of people who have built businesses through the good, the bad and the ugly. They talk about their success with an honest view of the world as it was when they launched. What made them successful? Was it all luck? How did they overcome obstacles? Give it a listen!
5. Saatchi Art. Only recently really discovered, I have begun turning to this site when I need to get the creative juices flowing. Print and pattern designing can get a bit samey. The art on this website is so diverse and everyone is just so talented from each discipline. It makes me remember I can turn to photography/paint/graphite ect..rather than getting stuck on my usual fine finer pens and then photoshop. If you're a dreamer, you'll get lost in this website.
Enjoy these and stay safe!
Bella x